Archive for 2013

Is the time when you are taking a multivitamin important?

It is best to have a multivitamin during meals. The fat-soluble vitamins are better absorbed in combination with the meal, which usually contains an amount of fat. Also vitamin C you better during the meal, because it improves the absorption of iron from the meal. In addition, vitamin C from the formation of nitrosamines in the stomach against harmful nitrate. For the vitamins of the B complex vitamins makes the time of taking out.

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Are multivitamins that slowly (' time released ') better than normal vitamin supplements?

Theoretically speaking the body would be able to take mega doses vitamins in better when they have a delayed-release. At high doses the recording will automatically lower into the intestine, causing an amount of vitamins will leave the body again. However, this is only the case with mega doses, at low-dose supplements it's sufficient to this during the meal.

For safety it is best to choose a supplement with up to 200% of the recommended daily amount of vitamin A and vitamin B3 (Nicotinic Acid), 300% of the recommended daily amount of vitamin B11 (folic acid) and up to 5 times the recommended daily allowance (500%) of the other vitamins per day.

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Can taking multivitamin completely replace eating food?

In an emergency, though. That was demonstrated by a long-term research with patients in the hospital were fed with artificial feeding to which all the vitamins were added. Such research is also used to determine what exactly is the vitamin requirements of the body. Some vitamins from supplements is more easily absorbed than from our diet, because the vitamins in supplements in free form. Vitamin supplements are certainly no substitute for foods for optimum health; fruit and vegetables contain vitamins for example next to many other important substances, such as fibre and all kinds of bio-active substances.

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What is safe with vitamins?

Vitamins are important for good health. Extra vitamins provide not that you extra healthy. However supplement in some cases very meaningful. As long as you don't have extreme amounts of vitamins takes is a supplement in complete safety.
In England is to a large number of vitamins a safe upper limit. This is the quantity that is still safe. Per vitamin and mineral is on our website listed what a safe amount. Prolonged use of a multivitamin with dosages above this limit can complaints.

If you suspect to have complaints through the use of a (multi) vitamin supplement we recommend you contact your doctor or the manufacturer.

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How much vitamins do I need?

In England the government has set guidelines via establishing what the RDA for vitamins and minerals. RDA stands for recommended daily allowance. This quantity is so established that most of the population is assured of the right amount of a certain vitamin or mineral.
The vitamin information Office recommends that you, if necessary, to choose a supplement with 100% to 300% of the RDA. On the packaging of a supplement or food stands a ADH, but that does not distinguish between different population groups, gender and/or age. This RDA gives only an indication. This can sometimes be confusing.

An example:
A woman with a pregnancy desire has a daily supplement with 400 micrograms of folic acid. For her is that 400 micrograms is equal to 100% RDA. The RDA is 200 mcg for all other Dutch citizens. Therefore, on the packaging that 400 mcg is equal to 200% RDA.

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Who needs vitamin supplements?

Some population groups have needed a supplement in addition to their daily diet, even though they eat still so healthy.
These groups have extra vitamins needed:
Women who are pregnant or want to become: read more
Babies: read more
Children under four years: read more
Women over 50 years: read more
Men and women over 70 years: read more
People who come out or not sufficiently cover their skin.
People with dark or tinted skin.
Vegans: read more
In addition, there are groups that extra on their (food) habits should pay attention because of a greater chance of a vitamin deficiency; (top) athletes, dieters, the elderly, smokers, vegetarians, sick and drug users. It is best to adjust the (food) habits, but if this fails, then a multivitamin for recharging.

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Metatarsal pads just like orthotic insoles can help prevent foot pain

In one of my previous articles I wrote about how orthotic insoles can make your shoes more comfortable to wear. In this article I will talking about another product that is similar to orthotic insoles. Metatarsal pads have been design by foot-care specialists as a way to cushion, absorb pressure, shock and provide comfort to the heel and ball of the foot.
We special technology incorporated in these metatarsal pads these inserts can effectively absorb any damaging energy that can tear, rupture or damage fragile tissues, ligaments, muscles and bones in your foot and heel.

Whilst you walk or even just standing your feet are put under a lot of pressure so it is important to provide adequate support to prevent heel and foot pain. Metatarsal pads do just this!

Buy some metatarsal pads from leading uk supplier of footcare and health products

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New food labeling laws

After strong consumer pressure the European Commission states that all ingredients in food products must be declared. Only ingredients contained in the product in very small quantities, should be excluded. There must also be a list of allergenic substances that must always be included on the labeling  if found in the food. The new labeling rules must apply to both food and wine, because wine contains sulfites, which very many people cannot tolerate.

For years, the rules have been designed so that they protects the economic interests of producers, because they do not have to declare ingredients, either natural or artificial, even if they represent less than 25 percent of the finished product.

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Old health remedies that work!

Everyone knows the autumn and the winter brings not just cold weather but also colds.

Eat chicken soup. Immediately something happens:

American doctors have now demonstrated that there is no better "medicine" for the upper respiratory tract than chicken soup. The soup contains acetylcysteine, an active protein substance, which today can also be found in the medication, you can buy against colds. The well-known hospital Mount Sinai in Miami sells even portions of homemade chicken soup.

Chicken soup contains special substances that are good for the mucus membranes

So we should not scoff ignore old advice – there's something about the talk:

An Apple a day keeps the doctor away
And it is true: If every day eat an Apple, you are less often affected by cold. Vitamins and specific plant substances regulates the immune system.

Ginseng lowers blood pressure and strengthens the immune system, it is really completely true. The roots keep the virus at Bay – and they may even help lower a high blood pressure.

Chili is good against arthritis
An ointment of chilli pods works on the nerves under the skin. Heating occurs, and the effect can be increased from time to time. This is because the pods are saving on a natural Painkiller!

heart Red
Red wine — in restrained amounts – strengthens the brain of tet. The same applies to grape juice and wine grapes with their "rust protective" compound resveratrol.

Flaxseed relieves the serious skin disease psoriasis
We have found the secret: flax seed (in the form of oil or cream) contains many omega-3 fatty acids, as a healthy skin need. Seed also contains active substances that are able to fight the virus and detoxify the skin.

Garlic – a panacea
Health fanatics have long had confidence in old knowledge. Garlic lowers cholesterol levels, with the works to lower an elevated blood pressure, strengthens the immune system and thus protects against disease, me – and against vampires ...!

Blackberries –  remedy for bladder infections
The effects are not questioned, and blueberries work just as well. The active substances in the two berries keeps the bacteria from a distance, which can put themselves firmly on the mucous membrane of the bladder.

The last tip ...
Listen carefully when you are wasting away, try a cliche that you know already it might actually work.

The diet must be our medicine!

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40 percent of English people between 30 and 70 years of age have high blood pressure.

40 percent of  English people between 30 and 70 years of age have high blood pressure.
Only half of the Britains over 40 years know their blood pressure.
Between 12,000 and 14,000 people affected each year by stroke (blood clot in the brain, or cerebral hemorrhage).
Over 50,000 lives from WITH consequences.
A blood pressure of 140/90 is considered a normal blood pressure. More than a million adults in the UK have high blood pressure. But it is only half, who is aware of it, even though the disease increases the risk of blood clots and brain bleeding significantly.

High blood pressure is costing  society each year many resources in terms of lost earnings, hospital admissions and premature death for citizens. But especially on a personal level the impact can be very extensive, since high blood pressure increases the risk of blood clots in the brain and brain bleeding significantly, just as the whole 2,000 Danes die each year as a result of high blood pressure. Anyway, there is as yet no official Danish plan on how the fight against high blood-pressure will be optimized.

An action plan for better blood pressure
"The current effort against elevated blood pressure is simply not good enough. As it is today, discovered the elevated blood pressure often only when the patient has suffered from a cerebral hemorrhage or embolism. It is not good enough, when high blood pressure can be readily diagnosed, and when treatment options are good and easily accessible ". So says Chief Consultant Helle Rasmussen from Lif and points out that the first step on the way to bring down the problems as a result of high blood pressure could be that all persons over 45 years of age each year measured their blood pressure.

This point of view, Ibsen, as His chief medical officer is Denmark's leading specialist in hypertension, agrees.

"There is only one way for realization of high blood pressure, and it is to measure it. This does not mean that all people who have a slightly elevated blood pressure, in medical treatment, but if half a year of healthy life style, for example, has not worked, then it will be both unreasonable and indefensible not to treat the people medical".

high blood pressure what to do?

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High blood pressure, What is is and what to look out for and do!

Almost every other German adults have hypertension, shows results of new surveys alert ­ leaked. Do you get not just the right treatment-ling, waiting for cardiac infarction and stroke ahead.

1. What is high blood pressure?
Blood pressure is the pressure that the blood flowing through the arteries, exercise. Blood-pressure value depends on the heart's pump performance and by the cross-sectional area and the resistance of the blood vessels. The ideal blood pressure is 120/80 mmHg (mmHg-is a physical expression of pressure). Values that are significantly higher than this figure, considered to be sickly.

2. How can one know if you have high blood pressure?
The signs of high blood pressure can be headache, dizziness, frequent nosebleeds, sweating, øresu, slow, heart palpitations and shortness of breath. High blood pressure does not hurt. But can kill.

3. is it true that tea can lower blood pressure?
Yes, according to a study carried out by Cheng Kung University in Taiwan with the participation of 1,500 people just 2-4 cups of tea daily reduce risk of having high blood pressure by up to 46%. For the people doing the experiment tested  drank mainly green tea and Oolong tea. The reason for this reduction may be due to the vascular-protective flavonoids, found in the tea.

4. What is the reason for high blood pressure?
Today it is thought that about 40% of those who get high blood pressure, is hereditary. As the largest risk factors include being overweight, lack of exercise, smoking, high alcohol intake, as well as salt and chronic stress.

5. Can high blood pressure damage the brain?
Yes, and not only because of the high risk of stroke. Long-term studies carried out at the Max-Planck-Institute in Berlin has shown that the normal ageing process in the brain be accelerated by high blood pressure. The brain shrinks literally-and it is already happening from 40-years of age. The result is disruption in the brain's performance.

6. do I have to avoid salt, if I have high blood pressure?
No, you may eat up to 5 grams of cooking salt daily (corresponds to approx. one teaspoon). Another option may be to drinking sodium poor mineral water (less than 100 mg/l) or to use herbs instead of salt to give food flavor. Avoid sweets, prepared dishes and sausages, as well as smoked and salted food and goods.

7. Is Nordic walking okay, if I have high blood pressure?
As a starting point are all kinds of endurance sports well. Nordic walking, swimming, hiking, biking, inline skating, and cross-country skiing. These sports deplete stress hormones, blood vessels of the lounging, and blood pressure drops in the long term. Power sports and ball sport is not suitable, because the force is too great, and the sudden unfolding efforts get the blood pressure to rise. "Running no faster than you can talk".

8. Helps chocolate?
Yes, a plant polyphenol, a substance which is found in dark chocolate with a high cocoa percentage seem to lower blood pressure something have pharmacologists from Cologne found out. Unfortunately, repealing the high calorie side of choclate may has other bad health effects.

9. Can I lower my blood pressure without taking medicine?
Yes, as long as blood pressure is only mildly elevated. Five kilos less body weight lowers blood pressure by 10/5 mmHg. Other precautions include:

Moderate, regular sport (three times a week for 30-45 minutes).
Really diet. Mediterranean diet is considered to be the healthiest-IE. more fish (Omega-3 fatty-acids), plenty of garlic (protects vessels), much fruits and vegetables (potassium works blood pressure-lowering), plant fats (such as olive oil). A recently published study shows that especially sesame oil are largely able to lower blood pressure.

10. When should you seek medical advice?
You should seek medical advice when the blood pressure after several measurements continue to be elevated.

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Drug company's trying to regain a lost reputation

After much mention of how the pharmaceutical industry has affected pharmacies to favor certain treatments through gifts and questionable discount schemes, Pharmacies and pharmaceutical suppliers Association now signed a common ethical charter, which should rectify a tarnished reputation.

Thus, all in the industry agree to eliminate any doubts in patients and consumers about that pharmacies are independent of any specific manufacturer and supplier interests.

The Charter is signed by the Association of Danish pharmacies, Pharmaceutical Association, Megros, parallel importer can Association of pharmaceuticals and Industrial Association for generic drugs.

Do believe this will help? Or will these company's carry on with in-moral practices just in another way?

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Sleeping is important here is why...

Are you fresh when you get up in the morning? If not, it is a sign that you have not slept enough.

On the other hand, it is not so obvious that it can be harmful not to sleep enough, despite the fact that you feel fresh. It's the american ­sleep doctor Lawrance j. Epstein of Harvard Medical School, who, among other things. is for the father of the book "Guide to a Good night's Sleep", which draws attention to this problem.

The exact sleep ­ needs vary, but as a starting point, the adults need 7-10 hours of sleep each night.

Researchers from the University of Pennsylvania has previously conducted experiments in which participants only got 6 hours sleep every night for 2 weeks. At the end of this experiment, it turned out that brain activity was similar to that of a person who hadn't slept for 2 whole days.

Sleep is important as it is the time where your body and cells get to grow, regenerate and repair themselves.

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Waking up how to feel more awake

What is the biggest enemy to all the morning haters out there? Yes, it must surely be the alarm clock when it every morning,  loud and rowdy and addicts one to stand up.
You feel tired, depressed and with no energy left even though you have been sleeping all night. And when you finally succeed after several attempts to get out of the warm bed you are dizzy.

For most of the morning haters suffer from too low blood pressure (hypotonia). When they stand up, pouring blood down into the veins in the legs when they stand. This gives the brain too little oxygen, and you get dizzy or faint briefly.

In contrast to high blood pressure too low blood pressure is not a disease, but "only" a functional disorder, which is either a response to a disease (heart disease or hormonal disorder) or is hereditary.

Here are some tips on how to stop this and make you feel more awake.

Movement is more important than medicine. Swimming, jogging, cycling-anything that can bring your blood pressure up on brands.
Bath with alternating cold and warm water combined with brush massage can provide an active start to a new day for those who don't like to get up.
Drink 1-2 cups of coffee a day, as well as Rosemary-tea-and-grab on and a glass of sparkling wine in the evenings, you can liven up your circuit.
Take a Rosemary-bath at regular intervals. Also externally, you can use this herb, which has a pleasant invigorating effect.
Connective tissue massage has an excellent effect on a blood pressure that is too low. Talk to your doctor-he may want to. give you a referral if you have needs for connective tissue massage.
And if you still feel tired during the day, so put your forearms in cold water for 1-2 minutes and massage them. then wipe thoroughly. This puts you in the blood circulation.

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Somewhere to find health information

Sharing another health blog with you with far more healthy tips and advise.. well i might as well help you all out if you cannot find what your looking for on this blog i guess... So here it is its called

Do you think its any good? It also has other info not just all about wellbeing and that...

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Orthotic insoles how they make shoes more comfy!

Okay so in my last post, i told you the ways in which you grow taller in which i told you about shoe lifts (height increase insoles) well i thought that today it would be appropriate to tell you some more things about the inbuilt orthotics that the shoe lifts use to make them more comfortable to wear than your usual shoes.

Orthotics have been around for quite a while and have been used by both athletes to enhance there sport performance in the form of sport insoles and ordinary people who wish to ease foot pain and prevent foot problems that may happen in later life.

How do they do this?
Well orthotic insoles consist of a design that can absorb shock that would otherwise go straight to the heel or foot bones and damage them and the tissue around them.
Instead the cushion effect the orthotic's produce effectively eliminates most of the damaging energy and converts it into a bounce which can actually help you run faster.

Yet another special feature many orthotics have is that the insoles instead of letting pressure built in particular place will actually spread out the pressure which could be caused by body weight and gravity which is most common on your heel and the orthotics will actually spread this pressure evenly on your foot and heel instead so it is less focused and less damaging as result of this.

No I am not taking the mick, I am gonna tell you... yes another benefit of orthotics. Did you know that over times as you get older your feet will start to weaken with age meaning that you are more susceptible to tearing of parts of ligaments and tissue on your foot and heel including the plantar fascia, well to help prevent this from happening orthotics will actually provide you with  support that if worn overtime will actually strengthen these muscles and tissues which otherwise would tear meaning you will have less risk of getting such problems as plantar faciitis and other foot problems in the future, all because you chose to wear orthotic insoles instead of regular flat insoles.

That reminds me... your feet are not flat but in fact have a slight curve (arch) in them. This arch must be supported as it has to support itself a great deal with your whole body weight plus it it the first point of contact in which your feet hits the floor when you run, jump or walk so it needs all the help it can get. Many orthotic products have built in arch supports to give the foot of your arch extra support when under the constant strain of gravity and your body weight... Just imagine a bridge if to much weight is constantly going over a bridge it will eventually collapse (that why they have signs telling you max weight limits) adding a few supporting beams to the bridge will mean there will be less of a strain on the bridge and even more weight can be driven over it... this is the same for your arch and arch supports.
Lack of support to your arch can also be the most common reason for foot cramps as well.
Proof indeed that orthotics do make wearing shoes more comfortable... all day long.

Orthotic insoles are not very big as well so you don't have to worry about compromising on the style of your shoes for comfort at all!

As you can see for yourself there are a lot of benefits to wearing orthotic insoles so why don't you decide for yourself whether they are worth buying or not?

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How to grow taller

There are both many ways to grow taller but at the same time many ways that you could do that could actually have the opposite effect and damage your posture and in effect make you smaller not wait no laughing matter.
So it best to know the ways and what yo can do to grow taller.

It is quite actually quite easy to distinguish real methods to grow taller to the fake ones the fake ones often include using clamps and forcing your body to grow taller.

Anyway the three major ways in which you can both grow and appear taller are as followed... there in no particular order of effectiveness.

Height exercises
shoe lifts

Height exercise dont make you grow any taller but will help to improve your posture and that will make you taller.
There are quite a few stretching exercises that you can find online to help you grow taller but anyway you can also play sport like basket ball and swimming that require you to stretch alot.

Diet is very important... malnutrition can cause stunted growth fact. So a balanced diet is needed to prevent this from happening.

Right you probably wondering what shoe lifts are. shoe lifts are height increasing insoles. I know it sound crazy but it is one of the most effective ways you can try to rapidly increase your height. (instantly actually not rapidly don't know why i put that)... Comfortable and effective you are looking for a increase in height but don't want to put in hours of hard work stretching then these are for you.

Got any more suggestions? then suggest them here in the comments below.

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This is a health blog

This is a general health blog for good health and well being. With self improvement ways such as how to grow or appear taller plus things like eye sight improving techniques. This is for non serious health issues and related stuff. For more serious stuff please go see your doctor.

Updates will be coming soon...

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